
托福口语task2题型 托福口语task2万能模板

2024年【出国留学】申请条件/费用/专业咨询 >>






Example:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's easier to teach children in primary schools than students in universities. Include reasons and details in your explanation.  


Example:Some people think that one needs to be talented to be an artist, while others believe trainings and hard work is more crucial for someone to be an artist. Which do you think is more important? Give details and examples in your response.  


Example:Some people prefer to celebrate special occasions like birthdays with friends, while others prefer to be alone at such occasions. Which do you prefer?  

4.Leisure time(时间话题)

Example:Do you agree or disagree with the statement that playing video games is a waste of time. Explain your answer in detail.  

5.Modern Technology(现代科技话题)

Example:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phone should be forbidden in some places. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.  


1.Do you think the high school should teach music and art as other basic science? Include details and examples to support your opinion. (05. 12.2; 07.10.17考题) Well, in my opinion, the high school should teach music and art as other basic science. First, students would have more opportunity to see different things and know more about music and art. Taking a break from study is not only beneficial for their body, but also for their mind. It''s like self–refreshment. What’s more, music and art lead to involvement and involvement leads to enthusiasm and more response, which is very important for a student who is pursuing a better future.

2.Do you think sports courses should be a required part of every school day? (06. 9.23; 06.11.3考题)

Well, in my opinion, sports courses should be a required part of every school day.

3.Some students like classes where teachers lecture in class. Other students prefer classes where the students do some of the talking. Which type of class do you prefer? (06. 10. 15考题)

Well, in my opinion, I prefer classes where students do some of the talking.

4.Do you agree or disagree that college students should do an internship before graduation? (07. 5.18考题)

Well, in my opinion, I would agree that college students should do an internship before graduation.

5.Do you agree or disagree that students will learn more when they have discussions? (07. 6.24考题)

Well, in my opinion, I would agree that students should have discussions.


托福找到一个专业的外教进行练习还是很有必要的。分享一下小编在用的app:留小留,可以随时和世界各地的Native Speaker进行一对一的口语对练,里面有很多专业的托福外教可以选择,而且还有前托福高级考官,强烈建议考试前跟托福考官模拟测试一下。这个软件用起来就跟打微信语音/视频电话一样,质量很清晰。这个是最让小编感到意外且性价比超级高的一个APP了。小编长期练习的一个外教陪练是英国的Leila,她不仅口音纯正,而且人超级nice,她本人还是一个摄影师,小编也经常跟她交流摄影方面的技巧。




1.The school has implemented a new policy that ... due to ... . And the man/woman holds a positive/negative view towards the announcement.

The first reason s/he gives is that ... . And the second one is based on the fact that ... .

2.From the reading material, we know that (the college) is going to ...

Obviously, the man/woman in the conversation thinks that this is a great/bad idea, due to the following reasons..

One reason is that……. Another is,…….

万一有时间So that's all the reasons s/he has to form that opinion. (尽量记,听为主)

3.The man/woman’s opinion about STH is that…….

(选择方案型:听选择的原因。1.Firstly, the man/woman states that…….2.And then he/she states that…….)

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