
托福口语task3和task6答题示例 托福口语task3-task6解题技巧

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Task3 阅读文本:

Student Art Display

The university is currently considering possible locations on campus for displaying paintings and other artwork by students. I think the lobby at the entrance to the student center would be a great location. Since many students pass through the student center every day, artwork displayed in the lobby would be viewed by hundreds of people. Also, because the whole front of the building is made of glass windows, the lobby is filled with natural light. This makes it perfect for displaying artwork, which should have plenty of light to be seen and appreciated.


Paul Sands

TPO10 福综合口语 Task3 听力文本:

Now listen to two students discussing the letter.

( man ) Mary, you ’ re an art student. What do you think of this letter?

( woman ) I don ’ t like the idea.

( man ) Why not?

( woman ) Well, first of all, his first point about a lot of people passing through the student center, that ’ s true, but..

( man ) But?

( woman ) But it ’ s always crowded with people coming and going. It ’ s not good for showing artwork. Imagine you ’ re standing there, trying to look at the painting, it ’ s gonna be like a million people walking through. People walking in front of you, blocking your view, distracting you.

( man ) Hmmm. Yeah, I haven ’ t thought of it.

( woman ) You won ’ t be able to appreciate the artwork or get a good look at anything with so much going on, with so many people moving around.

( man ) Yeah, I see what you mean.

( woman ) Plus, he ’ s wrong about the windows.

( man ) But isn ’ t it true that it ’ s good for art to have lots of light?

( woman ) In a sense, yeah, but that kind of light, all that natural light from windows, that ’ s actually not good, because if it ’ s really sunny out it will be way too bright, if it ’ s cloudy, it will be way too dark.

( man ) Oh!

( woman ) What you want is controlled light, consistent light, the kind you get from electrical light bulb. Think about in an art museum. In an art museum, you ’ ve got electric lighting and the light is always carefully controlled, always at the same level

TPO10 福综合口语 Task3 题目文本:

Briefly summarize the proposal in the student ’ s letter. Then state the woman ’ s opinion about the proposal and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

TPO10 福综合口语 Task3 满分范文:

In the letter, the student proposes to put the artworks in the lobby at the entrance to the student center, because the center has many students and is full of natural light. But the girl in the conversation doesn ’ t agree with it. For the first point about many students passing through student center, she thinks the number of students coming and going is huge, which could be distracting for people to view the artworks. The center is always crowded with people. It ’ s hard to appreciate the artworks with so many people around. For the second point about natural light, she thinks it ’ s not very good. If it ’ s a sunny day, it ’ ll be way too bright. If it ’ s a cloudy day, it ’ ll be way too dark. Instead, the artworks need consistent light like the electric light in an art museum because the electric light is always carefully controlled and stays at a same level.



Using points and examples from the lecture, explain what determines animals' 24-hour activity cycle.


In this lecture, the professor probes into two different kinds of factors that determine the animals' biological cycles, internal clocks and external clocks, which can affect each other. The professor takes flying squirrel as an example. In the experiment, when flying squirrels are kept in constant darks for about a month, they are still able to keep regular cycles of activity,which shows that internal clocks do work in flying squirrels when the external environment has changed, although it is about half an hour shorter than the normal length of time. On the other hand. When these squirrels are exposed to the daylight again after a month of darkness, they are not as active as they usually are during the nighttime and wake up during the day. And then, the external clocks, along with the cycle of light and darkness, begin to adjust the squirrels’ internal clocks. Finally, their biological cycles return to normal again.


首先是第一题,preference 题或称之为“偏好题”,经过收集和研究,题型主要走人物题、地点题、事件题及物品题。由于不会出现雅思考试考官针对同一话题问两次到三次的情况,所以针对托福备考有个称之为“同一话题只需准备一个题材”的概念,也就是在备考前面对同一话题无需泛化去找另类话题,而是不断深化,思考可以囊括阐述其他人物、地点、事件或物品的通用理由。如果文章开始表述,建议如同写作一样大体分为三段阐述,开题无需技巧,简单读题即可,把you 都改成me,比起I think……开头可以省去相对多的思维时间。内容一般找三个理由,为避免理由重复或累赘,建议就方便、经济、减压等常用理由进行练习,并结合不断问自己How 及Why 等问题来充实内容,完成example 的部分。最后用连词进行连接,这里有个技巧,就使用first, also, finally,因为三到六题综合题中这三个词常成为提示词出现,在前两题中使用可对其有一定敏感度。

再次是第二题,结合第一题,内容分布完全相同,并且这两题对时间把握尤其重要,要求考生进行“掐表”练习,对45s 有感性认识,当一定练习后,口语部分的考试不再是考内容的,而是考时间的,因此在考试过程中掐时间角度有很多技巧可言,比如:当阐述内容结束时时间为38s 或39s,则在最后可加句detail 或一句类似The person like me has no choice but to do sth.的长废话;当结束时时间为41s 或42s,则在最后可加一句短废话,如I find it’s cool.

最讨厌的是41s 说完这句短废话后变成42s,离perfect time 还是有3 秒钟,那么可以用一些装口吃或吞口水的考场技巧将时间掐到44s 或45s。(实践证明装口吃或吞口水不扣分)最后是三到六题的综合题部分。综合题由于会有听力和阅读,因此要求考生对信号词定位有所敏感,口语中涉及的技巧是即使不理解听力内容,结合简单的信号词如first, also, finally, but, yet, for the following reasons 等定位中心内容,遇到生疏单词、句子,记下读音,再完整地还给考官,一样得分。第三题听力内容中一男一女进行谈话,就他们对阅读内容的态度与否(支持还是反对),不可以从语气上进行判断,要根据记录内容的回推去确认,以免犯错。

第四题是普遍认为最难的一题,但记好一个技巧:“阅读找概念,听力找例子”,由于此学术题是由同一个人出的,听力内容肯定跟着阅读内容走,而且思路都是一样的,因此读细阅读对听力的理解相当有帮助,就如Animal Domestication 这道经典题作为例子,阅读中谈到了三个话题:有些动物不容易被驯养,动物是否容易被驯养和它的territory(T)有关,动物是否容易被驯养和它的social structure(S)有关。因此就光看阅读,我们可以揣测出既然是动物的驯化,“动物”一定是听力中的例子,结合阅读的第一个话题,有些动物不容易被驯养,那么有些动物就容易被驯养,可以模拟出如果找例子,一般而言肯定是两类动物,一个容易,一个不容易。再结合阅读中第二个及第三个话题,可以揣测出是否容易被驯养和分别和这类动物的T 和S 有关,从阅读中我们可以了解到“没有T,有S”更容易被驯养,那么听力中我们要去寻找的就是作者是如何用例子阐述某类动物是“没有T,有S”或“有T,没有S”的。找到例子,结合阅读提出的话题概念,最后整合成口语表述内容。

第五题是综合题中相对最简单的一道,因为第二题已经反复练习了Choice 的考法,无非是多了听力,但第五题难度表现在20s 准备时间里,要求对听力内容及Choice 大致信息的构建,技巧在Choice 理由的选择上,由于此时题目未要求采用Choice 题中preference, A/D, 还是comparison 题型,建议采用comparison 题型构建思路,也就是支持自己观点的同时,对反对观点也进行陈述。分别找一个理由就够了,这样就能省下很多的准备时间。

第六题考点很复杂,因此去琢磨考什么没有意义,而更多去思考怎么考。一般而言,第六题往往是从两个或三个角度出发阐述问题,因此听力之前大致思维路线就要清楚,仍然注重example 的记录,对不理解或听不懂的内容仍然采用怎么来怎么可回去的方式答题,切不可盲目替换。















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