大师兄留学网【留学网 dsxliuxue.com】小编为大家带来2019QS世界大学生物科学专业排名,希望对大家有帮助。
生物科学/Biological Sciences
The top 50 Universities in Biological Sciences in the world as ranked by higher education data specialist QS
See the Top 500 Universities for Biological Sciences and the QS Institutions profiles
2019 | 2018 | 学校 | 国家/地区 |
1 | 1 | Harvard University | United States |
2 | 2 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States |
3 | 3 | University of Cambridge | United Kingdom |
4 | 4 | University of Oxford | United Kingdom |
5 | 5 | Stanford University | United States |
6 | 6 | University of California, Berkeley (UCB) | United States |
7 | 12 | ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) | Switzerland |
8 | 7= | Yale University | United States |
9 | 9 | University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | United States |
10 | 11 | California Institute of Technology (Caltech) | United States |